Thursday, September 8, 2011

To wear white or not to wear white...that is the question!

Dear Fabulous Ladies,

Now that Labor day has come and gone, the major question that everyone ponders is the "white" question. Should I wear white or should I pack up my gear 'til after Easter.  The answer is...drum roll please, that there is no real answer, and since you asked for it :) my opinion that is, I will give it to you.  I think that there is a compromise and it is called "winter white" or simply ivory.  Might I say that even though I do not support white on bottom after Labor day, I do not judge those that do!  Let's be honest, Fall is not a women's best friend.  We tend to put on a nice layer of a few extra pounds to...keep us warm?  What an excuse, I use it every winter.  I need to get a grip is what I need to do.  The tight white jean in the summer is for our bikini ready bodies that we have killed ourselves for for the past 6 months.  Just had to throw that in there.  BACK TO IT: Ivory, it is a softer shade of white that is a nice color to incorporate into your fall wardrobe.  While, again, in my opinion, white can get too white.  Picture this: The leaves are changing/gone, you are all cuddled up in a wonderful chunky sweater, your fav vintage team t-shirt, and skinnies.  The chili is cooking on the stove while football is playing on the TV,in the background, and the "boojies", aka beer according to my father, are cold as can be. Your crisp white jeans that you sported on the 4th of July are not what you go to put on and you all know it.  They are not invited to this Fall get together, sorry.  They are just too white; it really can be too bold of a color, or lack of color for all you ROYGBIVers out there.  Think about the fashion seasons, Spring/Summer, Fall/Winter.  The designers produce a different style of clothing for each season to compliment the weather.  For Spring/Summer you have your shorts, tanks, airy and flowey blouses, and yours truly, the white pant; all of which come in different shades and patterns that tend to be warmer, cozier, darker.  As the seasons change, so do the styles.  You wouldn't wear a halter top in December and you wouldn't wear corduroys in the Summer, they just don't go, it is the same with white pants.  I know that many people disagree with my stance on the white, but I am what I like to call a superstitious stylista, just meaning that I follow the no white after labor day rule.  I have, a few times, pulled on my fav white J Brands post-LD and I immediately felt strange.  Has that ever happened to you?  I have tried, I really tried, but no dice.  So, thus enters ivory, the compromise color.  Ivory is a warmer, darker shade of white.  It is a cozy color.  What makes a color cozy you ask, well...I do not really know how to answer that.  You just know I guess :).  A great pair of ivory slacks, a killer blouse tucked in, wonderful closed-toe heels, and a great trench, and you got yourself a classic, clean look that is just timeless and WARM.  Even a light light khaki pant should fill your crisp white void.  Speaking of blouses...a few sentences ago, while I am not a fan of white on the bottom after Labor day, I do say rock the white on top all year long.  In fact, a chunky white turtleneck sweater with some great ivory courds, well damn.  Pardon my french, but that is good lookin', I don't care who ya are.  White on top works all the time, and I do mean ALL of the time.  A white button-up oxford is something that EVERY girl should have, and perhaps not just one.  They look great on women, and actually I do recall multiple guy friends in high school stating that an oxford on a lady is one of the hottest things they can wear, so there.  The men of the class of '03 at Westminster have made there footprint on fashion. :)  I will post some AMAZING ivory pieces that will hopefully fix your white needs.  Long story short: put your crisp white jeans away, keep your classic white tops out, and invest in some timeless winter white pieces for your Fall wardrobe and for the rest of your life!

And remember,

"It's really easy to get colors right. It's really hard to get black - and neutrals - right. Black is certainly a color but it's also an illusion." Donna Karan 

Classy Karan, Classy Classy Karan.
That is all.

Hope you enjoyed!  Would love to hear your feedback or opinions!

Morgan Kylee.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

and so the blogging begins!

Forewarning Alert:
I have been told I type like I speak.  I want to apologize for poor comma usage, run-on sentences, "i before e's" and vise versa (I LITERALLY still say that everytime I spell a word involving the two letters), and any other offensive gramatical errors that are, have, and always will be present in the blog. I hope that we are all here not to impose our inner "auto-corrector", but rather to get all up in the world of chic chic things!

Septemeber 4, 2011
10:00 pm
Dear Girlies,

        Welcome to the Morgan Kylee. blog!  It is such a pleasure to have you all here with us.  For those of you who are not familiar with Morgan Kylee.,  I want to fill you in on what we are all about.  Morgan Kylee. is a high-end women's boutique in Buckhead, what some call the heart of Atlanta. I opened the store two weeks ago yesterday...August 19th I believe.  Yes indeed, August the 19th! After a nine month "gestation period" of sorts, the doors, correction, single black door, of Morgan Kylee. opened to the public.  Ever since I can remember, I wanted to open a clothing store, but I always thought of it in the sense of, "If I won the lottery," or "if all the sudden everything was free."  Besically, I never thought I would be doing what I always dreamed of doing.  You know when you hear like every celeb interviewed say that their careers are "dreams come true."  Well, 2 months ago I would have internally telling Selena Gomez to save it and shut it, but now, I am ashamed to say it, and the cynical side of me(that my mom and myself are not always proud of) hates me for saying it, I get it.  I so so get it.  I get to do what I have always dreamed, and there are no words to describe what that feels like.  On that note, I want to encourage any and all of you to really go after what you want.  It is hard, but the end result is so rewarding.  I am rereading this first blog post, and I sound super narcissistic talking about "me" so much.  It will not happen again.  I just wanted to introduce you all to the store, and get to know a little bit of the back story.  It is part of the blog/reader relationship, right?  Can you tell I am a newbie? :)  Thank you for your patience!  OK-BACK ON TRACK...NOW: 95% of my lines cannot be found anywhere else in the city, and the approx. 5% that do overlap with say Nieman's or Sak's, have completely different buys.  Unfortunately for the ATL, yet fortunately for the store, Atlanta's shopping has been pretty below par in comparison to other major populated hubs such as Los Angeles and New York City.  In a city like Atlanta, where a designer like Lily Pulitzer has more star power than say, Rick Owens or Jonathan Saunders, the need for a new boutique is made quite apparent.  Before I continue, I would like to say that I have not a thing against Miss Lily or her Pulitzer, in fact I have definitely sported a neon, floral-patterned dress or six in my day, especially during rush, which, thank gawd, is neither("i" before "e")here nor there.  My point, simply, is that the wide world of fashion, designers, etc. is in fact a wide wide world.  My goal with Morgan Kylee. is to slowly turn Atlanta into a wonderful place to shop.  Now, I am not delusional and I do not think that one store, my store, will put Atlanta on the map.  I do hope that with the recent openings of certain unique boutiques in addition to Morgan Kylee. like Nancy Duffey's, Scout for the Home, and veteran retail staples like Susan Singletary and Momma Peoples', Peoples, that the retail situation here has already started to transform for the better.  We have the restaurants, we have the parks, we are now starting to get the celebs (what with all the filming here that goes on now), we have the hotels, but when one asks where to shop, and the mall is the best answer you have-again, "the need for a new boutique is made quite apparent."  For the record, I would like to both acknowledge and take accountability for the fact that I sound like the ultimate Hotlanta Hater right now, I know, I am not proud of it.  However, I ASSURE you, with all my heart, that I am not, I am, in fact, one of Atlanta's biggest fans.  On a side note, I feel like one of the coolest characteristics of the ATL, is the fact that all of its inhabitants have such an amazing and apparent amount of city pride.  I DIG that :)  BACK ON TRACK...again...starts NOW-I am just calling a shopping spade a shopping spade. While the only Morgan Kylee. store is in Buckhead, and isn't always possible to get to, the blog is an extension of the the store.  We will post about our #style lusts, our #style musts, fabulous finds under x dollars,our favorite things, gifts for boys, where to find the best cheeseburgers(one of my favorite foods), wonderful interviews with fabulous designers, and much much more. Sooo...WELCOME and enjoy the ride!  If you have a topic or question that you want answered or covered by the Morgan Kylee. team, then just ask away!  We look forward to growing with all of you and until next time happy happy Labor Day, wear the crap out of your white jeans, and always remember,

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."
-Coco Chanel
Mrs. Coco Chanel Herself.
She is all business, CLASSY and FABULOUS business!

Best and xxoo,
Morgan Kylee.

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visit us on Twitter at @MorganKylee